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Lucid Dream Come True

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I want to premise my main experience by sharing a couple dreams I had prior to the one that absolutely blew my mind. I also want to share a disclaimer: I realize that some of it will cause people to question my sanity, I actually did question it too, but I think its my sanity that keeps me grounded, and prevents me from becoming so engrossed in them that I become obsessed. I believe it’s my recent focus on meditation, mindfulness, and openness that has made it possible to connect with my mind in these ways, and has also helped me discover balance and peace that is growing everyday in the midst of my busy life that used to only create anxiety and despair. My job didn’t change, my circumstances haven’t changed; for the most part ,outwardly, my life has stayed the same, but inwardly things are changing for the good.

Many people throughout history have used what’s called the hypnagogic state of mind to tap into things hidden deep within the subconscious mind. Edison and Tesla used to use these states to solve some of their invention and creativity problems. At first I was just playing around in my dreams, now I am using them as a tool. For example, I put into my mind that I want to work on anger and jealousy issues, and have had several dreams where I am in a potential jealous or angry situation and my reactions are becoming calmer and calmer over time. This calm has manifested in my everyday life. Now back to this story.

Two Dreams

I cant remember the date of the first one, it was back in June or July of 2018. When I had this one I hadn’t started consistently writing anything down yet. I had come home from a night shift working in the ICU, and went to bed in my upstairs room, shut the door, put ear plugs in, turned the fan on high, and went to sleep for work the next night (I got five loud kids). The question in my mind had been; is there any merit to any of this stuff that I am experiencing? So anyway, I simply had a dream that I was playing catch with a major league baseball player, and when I woke up and went downstairs to see everyone then my son came up to me with a baseball and a glove, and asked me to play catch with him. He had never asked me to play catch before, and when I had asked him a while back he didn’t want to play. I found this pretty interesting that some of reality overlapped with what I had dreamt, but I didn’t think a whole lot of it until later.

The second one occurred on 8/16/18, and this was also after coming home in the morning after a night shift. In my dream I was sitting in a restaurant and started fighting with people, and got kicked out. These guys chased me out with iron bars in their hands. There are a lot of side details to this dream too, but I am going to skip them. Anyway, I come downstairs after sleeping and my daughter Josie comes up to me with a piece of rebar in her hand and tells me that Izzy, my oldest daughter, was jumping on the trampoline she hopped off and cut her foot on the rebar that was sticking up in the yard. I started to pay a little more attention at this point

Now the shocking one:

I had been friends with this kid way back in like 2nd or 3rd grade and I used to go over to his house. He had an older brother named Sam and we really looked up to him, he was so cool. I later moved 300 miles away to eastern wa when I was like 13 years old, and never stayed in contact. When I was 20 years old I moved back to where I am now and Have not spoken to him since. So that’s over 12 years.

Back in 2010, I read online that his older brother Sam disappeared in the woods near his home after a domestic dispute, and had not come home. Fast-forward to 2013 and they found his skull out in the woods. I was pretty sad to read that, but had not thought about it for years, because he had just been an acquaintance that I knew of when i was a little kid. I don’t remember for sure, but back then I may have contacted zac on facebook, and gave my condolences. But no contact for sure since 2013. Now to the dream.


In my dream I was at this big building that had a courtyard, and all the sudden the mother of this guy comes up to me, and she was crying telling me she missed her son, and that she was having ghost stuff happen at her house. All of the sudden I had a feeling in my heart that he was trying to tell her he loved her and he was with her, and he didn’t know what to do, I was getting nervous, but heard a calming voice tell me it was okay. Next thing I know I appear at his house. I started to get a little creeped out, and a voice would say its okay, and it would calm me. I hate ghost stuff, and I was scared because I didn’t want to see the dead guy. After this fear the dream fast-forwarded to me leaving the house, and I heard a male voice tell me: “You helped him cross over!” Other dream stuff happened unrelated to his afterward, but I was able to entirely control the rest of my dream.


So now real life, my mom had been calling me from 8/21/18 to 8/23/18, and I hadn’t had a chance to call her back. It wasn’t until 8/24/18 until I called her back. I woke up to get ready for work, felt guilty as soon as I opened my eyes that I hadn’t called my mom and I gave her a call. We aren’t heavily involved in each others lives she lives pretty far away; we started talking about random topics, and I told her about the lucid dream with Sam Stephonek.

I suddenly get this feeling to check the date he disappeared, put my mom on speaker and checked because I didn’t remember. The date he disappeared was 8/8/2010, didn’t impress me at all. My mom said “Maybe check his birthday?” I looked up his birthday and it freaking blew my mind, sure enough I see that his birthday is 8/24, the exact day I’m sitting there telling my mom the dream. My mom told me I needed to contact his Mom, I said no, I hadn’t seen her in over 10 years, and that she doesn’t need someone calling her on her sons birthday saying crazy stuff. I said if its meant to be I’ll cross paths with her. While I’m saying this my mom says she knows where she works. I told my mom if she felt comfortable calling her at her work that she could give my number and if she wanted to call she could. My mom contacted his mother and she called me right away and I shared what her dead son said on his BIRTHDAY. His brother, the one I had been friends with years ago was working at the same place that day as well. She was very touched and said ” Thank you, for whatever reason he wanted to talk to me through you.”

All I can really do is share my experience. I don’t know why it happened. I have ideas, but that’s all. I remain open to whatever life throws at me regardless of what I think is possible or not.

Here’s some links to put a face with the name.


Posted by on September 14, 2018 in Lucid Dreaming


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